
Berg Group and its business operations shall work for good growth, and develop products and services for the international markets with profitability at least on a par with the industry average.

The focus shall be on customer benefits. Products and services shall be developed in harmony with the demands and requirements of the various markets.

The entire organization shall be characterized by shared ethical and moral values with a focus on long-term relations for customers and personnel alike.

Business concept

Berg Group shall create sustainable long-term value growth through active owner commitment and value-generating development based on the conditions of each business operation.


Investments shall be made in operations where a long-term owner commitment can develop the operations’ international market positions and future return.

Investment in product development shall take place in the various business operations with the aim of strengthening the various operations’ market position and future development.
The various operations shall each protect and consolidate existing brands.

Senior management

Anders E. Berg
Founder, owner and CEO
Niclas Berg
Deputy CEO
Mattias Malicki
Johan Danielsson
EMBA Machinery AB
Marco Bürger
EMBA Machinery GmbH
Kelly Vekas
General Manager
EMBA Machinery, Inc